What does your mindset say about the future of your fitness journey?
It really seems like some people are ALWAYS making progress in their healthy lifestyle, like the wins just keep stacking up in their favor!
Other people seem to be “on again, off again”, constantly in a CYCLE of back-and-forth, always trying the next new diet or workout fad that pops up.
What makes it so that some people seem to be more successful or are able to achieve better results in their fitness journey than others?
An individual’s resources, support, genetics, and athletic history are certainly some factors that contribute…but I believe more and more that our mindset is the ultimate key to unlocking a positive lifelong relationship with our health.
Do you know the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset?
Someone with a fixed mindset believes that their learning, ability, and strengths are static and do not change. These people are often focused on a specific outcome (like losing exactly 20lbs, squatting 200lbs, thinking they need to hit their macros on the dot, or setting hard deadlines on goals). These people give up easily, might hop from coach to coach or program to program, and are often “all-or-nothing” in many areas of their life.
Someone with a growth mindset knows that their effort drives their success, setbacks give them feedback, and that there is always room to improve. They embrace a challenge and know that perfection is a facade. These people are often focused on the evolving process (like confidence improving, increased strength in the gym, more food freedom, acknowledging past wins to find motivation, etc).
Which kind of mindset sounds most like yours? Check out my chart below for some examples of statements someone with a fixed mindset might make — and some ways to reframe them in a more growth-centered way:
If you constantly find yourself on an up-and-down rollercoaster with your goals in any area of life, I really want to encourage you to examine your mindset. The way you talk to yourself matters, and possessing a fixed mindset definitely contributes to self-sabotage and a lot of unfulfilled potential.
If you’d like to learn more about this topic and how to better harness the power of your mindset, check out either of these two incredible books: Mindset by Carol Dweck or Grit by Angela Duckworth.
Time to reflect: Do you have a fixed mindset around your healthy lifestyle, or do you believe that you can grow and learn more at any point? Do limiting beliefs show up in any other areas of your life too?
Need guidance?
If you are looking for someone to have in your corner and encourage growth, see how we can work together or read more here to see what an online fitness coach, like me, does.